by (link:"kit riemer")[(gotoURL:"https://interstice.neocities.org/")]you flatten out the [[page]] it saystras(click-replace: "tras")[pulled] printr-un(click-replace: "printr-un")[through a] inel(click-replace: "inel")[ring]
gând(click-replace: "gând")[thought] pregătit(click-replace: "pregătit")[prepared me] să meargă la(click-replace: "să meargă la")[to go to](click-replace: "thought prepared me to go to")[prepared by the mind to go]
nu poate (click-replace: "nu poate")[it cannot]nimeni să-mi(click-replace: "nimeni să-mi")[no one to me] pregătească(click-replace: "pregătească")[prepare](click-replace: "it cannot no one to me prepare")[can't anyone prepare my]
programare solidă(click-replace: "programare solidă")[solid programming] pentru(click-replace: "pentru")[for] următorul(click-replace: "următorul")[next](click-replace: "solid programming for next")[firmware for the next]
ia stejar mic(click-replace: "ia stejar mic")[takes the little oak] din(click-replace: "din")[from](click-replace: "the little oak")[the oak sapling](click-replace: "takes the oak sapling from")[take the oakling from]
nu a(click-replace: "nu a")[did not] mai(click-replace: "mai")[more] plantat(click-replace: "plantat")[planting] niciodată(click-replace: "niciodată")[never](click-replace: "did not more planting never")[it never planted more]
moduri(click-replace: "moduri")[modes](click-replace: "modes")[ways] de a(click-replace: "de a")[of a] purta(click-replace: "purta")[behave](click-replace: "behave")[wear](click-replace: "of a wear")[to wear] cadavrele(click-replace: "cadavrele")[bodies'](click-replace: "bodies'")[corpses'](click-replace: "corpses'")[bodies']
piele(click-replace: "piele")[skin] pentru(click-replace: "pentru")[in order] a nu(click-replace: "a nu")[to not](click-replace: "in order to not")[to keep off](click-replace: "off")[out] ploaia(click-replace: "ploaia")[rain](click-replace: "ploatakes")[(text-colour:red)[a mistake]](click-replace: "skin for to not the rain")[[[skin to keep out the rain]]](click-replace: "skin for to not rain")[[[skin to keep out the rain]]](click-replace: "skin for to not a mistake")[[[skin to keep out the rain]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.from a glass of water on a separate table you lift to take a drink hovering to read what you had made on the page
the endless drumming of raindrops on the hut's blonde head
the cool wetness upon your [[fingertips]] as they wrinkle like broccoli budsand sighing contentedly you walk over to the wall to plug yourself in.
[[keeping out the->start]]